Victor Smolski @ Palm Expo 2015


Musician, producer, composer, teacher, author of one of the most successful German guitar learning DVD “School of Metal”


The guitarist for the world renowned metal bands RAGE, MIND ODYSSEY and the LINGUA MORTIS ORCHESTRA with numerous tours and TV appearances began playing the piano and cello at the age of six and started studying the guitar at age 11.


The Russian magazine Classic Rock voted Victor Guitarist of the Year in 2005. Also the Japanese magazine Burrn! voted him many times in the Top 20 guitarist of the reader´s pop poll.


Composed the song “Straight to Hell” for the most successful German film of all time Manitou’s Shoe 


Jury member for international music competitions.

Victor will be at the YAMAHA Demo Stage for Palm Expo in Mumbai.                                        

Come be a part of a Magical Musical Journey !!! 

Victor Smolski - Empty Hollow Official video