PA Dealer Meet 2016

YAMAHA MUSIC INDIA PVT LTD. organized PA Annual Dealer Conference @ Zuri Resorts, Kumarkom, Kerala from 14th April to 18th April, 2016. Business partners from all over India were invited.

Hitoshi Mochizuki, MD, YAMAHA MUSIC INDIA PVT. LTD. took over the proceedings by sharing the overall Business journey of Global Yamaha, its performance in last Financial Year and future plans followed by the Mr. Katsuyuki.Makino, GM and National Sales Manager Mr. Harisha G.N, who respectively shared the YOY PA growth in terms of overall budget and product wise achievement. Marketing Plan, New Product information and roadmap for PA business in India were also communicated with the Business Partners.

As a motivation, PA department had introduced awards for three different categories which will further encourage business partners to focus more on categorially wise product lineup. Best performance in terms of Region wise, Digital Mixer and Overall Product Lineup were presented as Award Categories.

The conference concluded with a hope to work more closely in a positive, planned and strategic approach to serve market with quality product and services.