Indonesian2 - Yamaha - India


A collection of exotic Voices and Styles from Indonesia

The Indonesian 2 Pack features performances from Indonesia’s top musicians, utilizing sound sources created through cooperation between Yamaha and local sound engineers to produce authentic sounds finished with the same quality as instrument presets. This new instrument pack does more than just provide realistic reproductions of traditional Indonesian instruments; it also offers users the opportunity to better experience the breadth of variety present in Indonesian music. The voice section features the exquisite sound of renowned bamboo instruments as well as a plethora of stringed instruments from Kecapi, Hasapi, and many other islands. The Style section is sure to enrich your creative endeavors with Indonesian music. We hope that you will enjoy this pack!

Voices including: Suling | Sarune | Hasapi | Kecapi | Bonang | and more!

Styles including: Dangdut Koplo 1 | Campursari Pop | Keroncong | Melayu 1 | Jaipong Pop | and more!

PLEASE NOTE: Contents may vary depending on the models.

New Voices and Styles packs are being delivered as encrypted data. You must use Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) to create a pack install file to load this pack into your instrument.