Teens Rock - The Battle of Bands 2015 - Delhi Auditions





Q: What is Teens Rock?


A: Teens Rock is a Battle of Bands organized by Yamaha Music India Pvt. Ltd. to encourage amateurs bands from    School for North India Region. The contest starts out with a hunt for amateur bands in North India Region. Teens Rock is an opportunity for amateur bands in India to take their music to an international level. “Teens Rock – Battle of Bands”




Q: What kinds of bands can apply (Eligibility Criteria)?


A: Band members should belong to the participating Schools.




Q: What kinds of songs are allowed (Genre/Language/Song Origin/Time)?




  • All genres of music except European Classical Music.
  • English, Hindi and Indian Regional Languages

  • Strictly not more than 6-minute-song




Q: When and where will the audition and Grand Finale are held?



  • Auditions
  • Delhi & NCR - Yamaha Music Square, Gurgaon
  • Chandigarh – Yamaha Music Square, Chandigarh

  • Jaipur – Yamaha Music Square, Jaipur

  • Lucknow – Yamaha Music Square, Lucknow


  • Grand Finale will be held in South Point Mall, Gurgaon 


Q: What are the stages of the event?




  • Band Registrations: At "Yamaha Music Square" or Online at in.yamaha.com
  • Auditions – Live performance by band before judges and small audience
  • Grand Finale – Live performance by band before judges and large audience



Q: What are the prizes?



  • Best Band
  • 1st Runner up Band

  • 2nd Runner up Band



  • Best band : Yamaha DTX532 drum Kit worth Rs. 134990/-
  • 1st Runner Up Band: Yamaha MX-49 Synthesizer worth Rs. 59900/-

  • 2nd Runner Up Band: Yamaha BB424 Bass Guitar worth Rs. 37100/-

  • PSR-F50 keyboards for all finalists

  • Trophies for winners


Q: How do I register for the event?


A: Visit “Yamaha Music Square” or login to in.yamaha.com to

  • Download the form
  • Submit School ID Cards of all band members

  • Fill out registration form (with short biography of band)

  • Email the form with ID cards to respective Yamaha Music Square.




Q: Are there any registration charges?

A: No, there are no charges for registration.


Q: How many bands will be participating?


  • Registrations: Unlimited
  • Grand Finale – 8 Bands (qualified from Auditions) 


Q: How big will the audience be?

A: Grand Finale – 1200 – 1500


Q: What kinds of instruments are allowed?

A: All kinds of musical instruments are allowed. Yamaha guitars, basses, keyboards and drums would be provided at venue. For other instruments (tabla, dholak etc.), band needs to declare on registration form and carry their own instruments.            

For Auditions -

  • Bands can use instruments of other brands.
  • Drummers need to play on Yamaha Electric drum kit  DTX532 provided by Yamaha.


For Grand Finale

  • Only Yamaha instruments will be allowed (and provided) (except instruments not manufactured by Yamaha – e.g. Tabla)
  • Drummer of Bands need to play on Yamaha Electric Drum Kit – DTX532K on Final.

Q: How big can the band be?

A: 3 to 8 persons with each member contributing through musical instrument or vocal performance.



Q: Who will judge and how?

A: Judges will be well known musician celebrities. Technical/Playing skills, song composition and   stage presence will contribute to judgement criteria.


Grand Finale will be judged by Indian Ocean



Q: Will Yamaha reimburse for travel, stay, equipment transfer etc.?

A: Yes, Only for Finalists



Appendix 3 (Other Rules and Regulations)

  • Band members should be same throughout the events - from Auditions to the Grand Finale
  • One person can participate in one group only

  • Bands have to provide participation letter from school with band member’s details.

  • Band members have to provide scanned photo identity of Schools and residence proof

  • Vocal effects - Only basic vocal effects like reverb, delay will be allowed - no vocal enhancing digital effects will be allowed (eg: Vocal pitch shifters not allowed). Bands will be required to declare what hardware and effects they will use and final call on what effects can be used and what can’t, will rest with YMIN.

  • Use of Keyboards and synthesizers would be limited to human playing only. No pre-recorded styles would be allowed. Use of Performance Assistance Technology or “quantised” music is also not allowed. Main rhythm or beat cannot be generated and automatically played on the synthesizer.

  • YMIN reserves the right to use participants’ pictures, song and video performances for public relations and promotional purposes.

  • Yamaha Music India reserves the right to change to any of the information given herein wihtout any prior notice.