Extensive Console View Consolidates Controls and Parameters

Any standard 24" LCD monitor display* can be used to provide a smooth visual extension of the physical Nuage fader channel strips right into the Nuendo/Cubase mixer window. The continuity between control surface and display achieved by the Extensive Console View concept keeps all controls and parameters in context so the operator can intuitively reach for the right fader, button, or knob while concentrating fully on the job at hand.
* Monitor display(s) are not included and must be supplied by the user.
Multi Function Knobs for Faster, More Direct Control
Each of the sixteen channels on the Nuage Fader unit has two touch-sensitive Multi Function Knobs. METER, PRE, ROUTING, PAN, SENDS, CUE, and other parameters can be instantly selected and operated as required. For even more comprehensive control a channel [e] button can be pressed to engage the Channel Setting Mode in which parameters for that channel can be directly controlled via all 32 of the console's Multi Function Knobs. There's also a Dual Channel Setting mode that allows two channels to be selected with parameters controlled by 16 Multi Function Knobs each. A number of other features such as three levels of control (normal, fine, and super-fine) and fader adjustment of parameters assigned to the knobs further enhance flexibility.

Multi Function Display Streamlines Operation
The Nuage Master unit touch-screen Multi Function Display allows finger tip access to all record, playback, mix, edit, monitor, and preference parameters. It is an ideally designed sub-display that offers highly efficient workflow support.

Channel Navigation Makes Getting Around Easy

Slide a finger along the Nuage control surface touch slider bar to bring any desired channel into view. The channel name display icon and channel knob color will instantly change to match the Nuendo/Cubase display so you'll always know exactly which channel is currently the focus of mix or edit operations. Channel layout can be easily customized in a number of ways: bring all channels of a specified type up on the Nuage faders with a single button, link multiple channels, move stem or master buses to the leftmost or rightmost faders so they can be accessed whenever needed, and more.
Channel View Control

[INPUT] Show/hide input channels
[AUDIO] Show/hide audio channels
[OUTPUT] Show/hide output channels
[FX] Show/hide effect channels
[GROUP] Show/hide group channels
[OTHERS] Show/hide MIDI channels, instrument channels, and others
[EVENT ON TR] Show only tracks that contain audio events while button pressed
[EVENT CYCLE] Show only channels with audio events within a cycle while button pressed
[PLAYING CH] Show the currently playing channels while button pressed
[SEL CH] Show only the selected channel
[EXPAND] Show only group, effect, and output channels routed to the selected channel
Full-featured Transport and Editing Section
One of the many advantages provided by Nuendo/Cubase is fast, flexible editing. That strength is bolstered even more by the extraordinarily well thought out design of the Nuage Master unit. Laid out around a high-resolution jog wheel that also offers sophisticated operating feel, the transport and editing section allows smooth, effortless operation of playback, record, and editing functions.

Powerful ADR Tools Built In
The Nuage system is packed with essential audio production features, and the facilities provided for dubbing and Foley are second to none. Operating in concert with Nuendo, an ADR Status Indicator shows the Rehearse/Record/Review status of actors in the video window, a Free Run Mode allows simultaneous recording of multiple scenes, and an ADR Take List enables easy management of takes. These and other features can be a huge advantage in demanding post-production environments.
* ADR mode is only available when using Nuendo.
* Panel shown with custom overlay sheet attached.

Advanced Automation Control
Nuage provides a complete duplicate of the Nuendo/Cubase Automation Panel where all automation settings can be managed as a group, with full access from the Nuage Master unit Multi Function Display. It is also possible to select the automation punch-out mode (Touch, Auto-latch, Cross-over) and the post punch-out behavior (Fill to Punch, Fill to Start, Fill to End) from the Nuage controls. Of course automation read and write buttons are provided on each channel strip, adding to the system's overall automation convenience and flexibility.

"Control Room" Enables Large Studio Style Monitoring and Communication

The Nuendo/Cubase Control Room feature replicates large-console monitoring facilities in software. Control Room is faithfully recreated on the Nuage Master panel, providing a full-function monitoring and communication environment without having to add extra equipment.
Control Room

- Up to four different monitor environments with different speaker configurations.
- MIX, EXTERNAL INPUT, and CUE 1-4 monitor source selection.
- Eight input/output buses can be registered and switched for the MIX source.
- Six external sources can be registered and switched for the EXTERNAL INPUT source.
- Talkback channel and headphone output included.
- Level display can be switched between the Nuendo/Cubase level (dB) and SPL.
User Assignable Section
Every engineer has his or her own way of approaching the editing process, and every application presents different challenges. The Nuage Master unit features a "User Assignable Section" with controls that can be customized by the operator to provide direct access to the functions and parameters needed for the task at hand. Functions that need to be performed repeatedly, such as importing audio files, for example, can be assigned for one-button efficiency. 12 hardware user assignable buttons and 96 soft keys (24 x 4 banks) provide plenty of capacity.

Fully Ready for Pro Tools Control

Although Nuage is primarily designed to work with a Steinberg Nuendo or Cubase DAW, the NUAGE PT Bridge driver allows efficient operation with Avid Pro Tools as well.* In addition to basic DAW control, it is possible to control plug-ins and assign shortcut keys to the Nuage user assignable buttons. Pro Tools can be implemented as the system's main DAW, or Nuendo can be the main DAW with Pro Tools also available to open and edit previously created Pro Tools sessions or accommodate outside engineers who bring in Pro Tools sessions.
* As of July 2015 compatibility is provided with Mac OS editions of Pro Tools 10 through 12 and Pro Tools HD 10 through 12.
* Nuendo or Cubase must be assigned as DAW A. Up to two Pro Tools instances can be simultaneously used per system.
* Refer to the Nuage owner's manual for information on Pro Tools parameters that can be controlled from Nuage.
Ideal Environment for Dolby Atmos Mixing
Nuage provides full support for the VST MultiPanner 3D surround plug-in included with Steinberg’s Nuendo. The VST MultiPanner interface is faithfully reproduced on the Nuage Master touch screen, providing an ideal environment for Dolby Atmos surround production and bringing Nuage up to speed with today’s fastest-growing immersive surround format.
VST MultiPanner makes it possible to work on a 9.1 channel bed mix and an object mix with up to 118 audio objects via a single display. As a project progresses the operator can switch between bed and object modes without having to redo the panning. Top View and Rear View displays make it easy to visualize the positions of audio images within the sound stage in three dimensions. A comprehensive selection of panning trajectory presets is also provided for smooth, efficient sound design. Experience the cutting edge of 3D audio.
Enhanced Monitor Control

Nuage supports remote control of Yamaha’s MMP1 Studio Monitor Management System so that source selection, levels, downmix and dimmer switching, talkback, and other functions can be controlled directly from physical controls on a Nuage Master or Nuage Fader unit. And because these functions can be accessed even when there is no computer or DAW online, monitor section operation is as direct and immediate as on a mixing console.
Refined Exterior Design

The Nuage development team believes that a great console needs to offer more than features and functionality. It must also have sophisticated visual appeal that, as the centerpiece of the studio, will add a touch of class to the environment . That "atmosphere" is important whether a client is in the room or a creator is working long hours alone. The elegantly reserved design of the Nuage system expresses its advanced capabilities while solidly anchoring the visual space. Several product design awards from around the globe attest to its success.
NUAGE WORKSPACE for a streamlined and productive working environment

Nuage Workspace units feature dimensions and design that are a perfect match for the Nuage Fader and Nuage Master units, allowing a keyboard, surround panner, 19" rack mount devices, and other custom extras to be added to a Nuage system while maintaining overall workflow and visual unity. Two Nuage Workspace units are available: a large model that is the same size as the Nuage fader unit, and a small model that can be added to a Nuage Master unit to match the width of a standard 24" monitor display. The palm rests on the Nuage Fader unit and large Nuage Workspace unit include a compartment that can house a computer keyboard.
* The photo shows a custom installation.
Every Function within Easy Reach - Ergonomically refined layout supports your workflow -

[AUTOMATION] : Provides access to automation functions.
[CHANNEL STRIP] : Each channel strip has a touch-sensitive 100mm motor fader, two multi-function knobs, and a channel name/icon/color display.
[CHANNEL VIEW CONTROL] : Selects the channel category to be controlled by the panel faders.
[CONTROL ROOM] : Allows operation of the Nuendo/Cubase Control Room feature for monitor and communication control.
[DAW SELECT] : Selects between up to three connected DAWs.
[FLIP] : Allows the parameters assigned to the knobs to be controlled via the faders.
[PAGE CONTROL] : Controls display cursor movement and screen switching.
[SECTION CONTROL] : Selects the parameters to be controlled by the multi-function knobs.
[UNIT LINK] : Links or separates operation of up to three units.
[USER ASSIGNABLE] : Allows unrestricted shortcut assignment.
[WORKSPACE] : Recalls pre-programmed DAW window layouts.

[AUTOMATION] : Provides access to automation functions.
[COMMUNICATION] : Assignment and control of the Control Room talkback function.
[CONTROL ROOM] : Links to the Nuendo/Cubase Control Room feature, allowing switching between monitor speakers, downmixes, and more.
[CUES] : Switches Control Room cues 1-4 on or off.
[DAW SELECT] : Selects between up to three connected DAWs.
[EDIT] : Allows object/region selection, copy/paste editing, and more.
[GENERAL CONTROL] : Project file save, cursor movement, and other operations.
[JOG WHEEL] : Six modes and seven functions control a wide range of parameters.
[MONITOR SOURCE] : Switches Control Room sources (8 x EXTERNAL INPUT, 8 x MIX, 4 x CUE).
[MULTI FUNCTION DISPLAY] : Touch screen and knob provide access to all major parameters and operations.
[NUMERIC PAD] : Switches between six modes, allows numeric cursor and marker position entry, and more.
[TRANSPORT] : Transport control, punch in/out, and project window recall.
[USER ASSIGNABLE] : Assigns shortcuts to the 12 user assignable buttons.
A groundbreaking audio post-production solution at the heart of the Nuage system for audio and audio-for-video projects

Nuendo is an audio post production DAW that is a favorite with sound designers, mixers, and editors for its blazing editing speed, efficiency enhancing convenience, unrivaled sonic quality, and rock-solid stability. It also offers a comprehensive set of features for audio-to-picture work. A comprehensive selection of surround mixing tools, dedicated ADR tools for dialog recording, refined loudness management, audio middleware support, and many more innovations provide capabilities that offer significant advantages for all types of audio post production for visual media such as movies, television, and games. By dedicating Nuage control surface displays, buttons, and knobs to the advanced features in Nuendo, even greater creative control and efficiency are achieved for production quality that even the most demanding client or producer will applaud.
The DAW that can be the key to unlocking an artist's creativity for inspired musical innovation

For more than 30 years Cubase has been the go-to DAW for leading artists and producers who depend on it to compose, record, mix, and edit cutting-edge creations. Proven sonic quality is complemented by virtual instruments and effects that spark the artists' imagination, an extensive selection of composition support tools, powerful audio/MIDI editing capabilities, and more features that are constantly being refined or added in cooperation with some of the most respected creators in the business. The result is a refined music creation tool that effortlessly covers a wide range of styles. Nuage makes it easy to get the most out of the extensive capabilities that Cubase offers, providing a creative environment that is more intuitive, powerful, and productive than any other.